Machinery for storage of granulated or powdered plastics and centralized feeding systems for injection molding or extrusion machines.
For all industries that need machinery for the storage of granulated or powdered plastics, Prillwitz designs and manufactures modern storage systems that include fluidizing mechanisms and discharge of the stored product.

Our silos and hoppers are used to store all types of plastics, such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polycarbonates, vinyl polychloride and polystyrene.
Main Elements We Can Supply to the Plastics Industry

Unloaders and loaders for Big Bags or maxi bags
For industries that utilize BIG-BAGS, we offer machinery for their movement, loading, and unloading. Additionally, we provide the necessary pneumatic conveying systems and handling

Pneumatic Conveying: Movement of dry materials with air
Pneumatic solid transportation systems are currently considered one of the most effective means for product transportation due to their safety, hygiene, precision, and reliability.

Industrial storage silos and hoppers
Manufacturing of industrial storage silos for raw materials: Metal silos made of steel, aluminum, or stainless steel, and flexible Trevira® fabric silos. Silos can
For mechanical transportation, Prillwitz supplies HSF screw conveyors. We also provide all the necessary equipment for bagging and packaging granules, filling large bags with PNBP and EBA bagging machines. As in other industries that handle powders and granules, air suction and filtration systems are critical in the plastics industry. In this regard, the cyclones, HDF bag filters, and low-pressure fans that Prillwitz manufactures meet the highest quality standards.
Silos and centralized feeding system for injection/extrusion machines
The following diagram is a typical plastic storage system with its distribution through centralized pneumatic transport to each consumption sector.

01-Bulk product truck
03- Big Bag unloader
04- Rotary valve
05- Venturi
06- Tubular blower
07- Level control
01-Bulk product truck
03- Big Bag unloader
04- Rotary valve
05- Venturi
06- Tubular blower
07- Level control
08- Silos
09- Damming box
10- Selection manifold
11- TNSP Tank
12- Dosing-Mixer
13- Electropneumatic valve
14- Bag cutting hopper
16- Ball valve
17- Mixer
18-To Extruder or Injection Molding Machine
19-Bag lifting gea
What are the typical components of a centralized feeding system?
Among the numerous components of a centralized feeding system that we can supply, the following stand out:

Silo and hopper pneumatic fluidisers
The Vibrating Fluidizer for silos and hoppers prevents the formation of vaults or bells by keeping the dry bulk materials being discharged constantly in

Single Pneumatic Pulsed Suction Hopper Loader
The Pneumatic Single Hopper Loader is a complete combo of a pneumatic suction conveying system with all the necessary elements. Individual Suction Hopper Loader

Regenerative turbine Blower
Regenerative turbine Blowers or side channel blowers are reliable and efficient equipment used for different applications, mainly for pneumatic transport, with flow rates up
Products that are typically stored in silos in the plastics industry:
- Polycarbonate
- Vinyl polyvinyl chloride or PVC
- Polystyrene or PET
- Polyethylene
- Polypropylene
- Expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam)